The Stellenbosch’ experiments
Large-scale laboratory experiments of scour hole development in broken-up rock, generated by rectangular-shaped oblique jets impinging in a plunge pool, have been performed in the hydraulics laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department at Stellenbosch University, South Africa (Bosman & Basson (2020), Bosman (2021)).
The Wivenhoe Dam 2011 flood event
In 2011, Wivenhoe Dam, located on the Brisbane River, Australia, experienced its flood of record. Not only did this flood lead a path of destruction through the suburbs of the city of Brisbane, but it also raised concern for the dam owners when they discovered a huge pile of eroded boulders deposited downstream of the spillway as the tailwater subsided. The largest of these boulders was around the size of a bus, and was estimated to weigh around 1200 t. (Lesleighter et al., 2013).